Envisioning Home Documentary & Website Design

07 Feb Envisioning Home Documentary & Website Design


Our friend Jason Epperson is directing an inspiring new documentary and asked us to design the website and edit the documentary. They have just finished filming and we have begun the video editing phase.

Our approach to the website design was to make a photo-centric site that not only showcased information about the documentary but also period and recent photos of the city of St. Louis. To view the site visit: www.envisioninghome.com

“Envisioning Home is a feature length documentary film exploring the personalities and accomplishments of two imaginative leaders, two agents of change in St. Louis public housing.  Beginning with the 1968-69 tenant strike these two wildly different people came together in St. Louis and began to forge a vision for transforming the way we think about affordable public housing.  By inspiring resident and family empowerment while creating more humane places to live, they showed how individuals can make a difference, invigorating individual lives and building vibrant neighborhoods and communities from distressed central cities.  A remarkable, homegrown leader during the tenant strikes, Jean King met Richard Baron, a legal aide-turned-visionary planner and developer (co-founder/chairman, McCormack Baron Salazar).  Together they helped change the face of inner city life in St. Louis and beyond.”

Below is a link to some of the footage that was shot for the documentary.


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